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 ברוכים הבאים

Ayin L'Tzion Zichron Yisroel Congregation is a full-service Modern Orthodox, Tzioni minyan housed in the Netivot HaTorah Day School in Thornhill, Ontario.  Established Shavuot 5763 (2003), our shul features a warm and welcoming congregation. Our shul operates, to a large degree, because of a strong commitment at the grassroots level.  Members are welcome to volunteer for one of our many committees. We have a broad range of members: From grandparents to young families and from people raised within the Orthodox tradition to those newer to our tradition.  Most important, all are welcome, no matter their background.

We hope you’ll come and join us.
We are located at 18 Atkinson Avenue in Thornhill, just north of Toronto, Ontario.


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785